Friday, March 30, 2007

Chapter 35 vocab

Welcome back the carpal tunnel with ooooopen arms, babes.

36 words

Pacific Rim (863)
Region including Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan; typified by rapid growth rates, expanding exports, and industrialization; either Chinese or strongly influenced by Confucian values; considerable reliance on government planning and direction, limitations on dissent and instability.

Taiwan (864)
Island off Chinese mainland; became refuge for Nationalist Chinese regime under Chiang Kai-shek as Republic of China in 1948; successfully retained independence with aid of United States; rapidly industrialized after 1950s.

Liberal Democratic party (866)
Monopolized Japanese government from its formation in 1955 into the 1990s; largely responsible for the economic reconstruction of Japan.

Republic of Korea (866)
Southern half of Korea sponsored by United States following World War II; headed by nationalist Syngman Rhee; developed parliamentary institutions but maintained authoritarian government; defended by UN forces during Korean War; underwent industrialization and economic emergence after 1950s.

People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (866)
Northern half of Korea dominated by USSR; long headed by Kim Il-Sung; attacked south in 1950 and initiated Korean War; retained independence as a communist state after the war.

Korean War (866)
Fought from 1950 to 1953; North supported by USSR and later People’s Republic of China; South supported by United States and small international United Nations force; ended in stalemate and continued division of Korea.

Hong Kong (867)
British colony on Chinese mainland; major commercial center; agreement reached between Britain and People’s Republic of China returned colony to China in 1997.

Hyundai (872)
Example of huge industrial groups that wield great power in modern South Korea; virtually governed Korea’s southeastern coast; vertical economic organization with ships, supertankers, factories, schools, and housing units.

Chiang Ching-kuo (874)
Son and successor of Chiang Kai-shek as ruler of Taiwanese government in 1978; continued authoritarian government; attempted to lessen gap between followers of his father and indigenous islanders.

Lee Kuan Yew (874)
Ruler of Singapore from independence in 1959 through three decades; established tightly controlled authoritarian government; ruled through People’s Action party to suppress political diversity.

People’s Republic of China (877)
Communist government of mainland China; proclaimed in 1949 following military success of Mao Zedong over forces of Chiang Kai-shek and the Guomindang.

Lin Biao (877)
Chinese commander under Mao; trained at Chiang Kai-shek’s Whampoa Academy in the 1920s.

party cadres (877)
Basis of China’s communist government organization; cadre advisors were attached to military contingents at all levels.

People’s Liberation Army (877)
Chinese Communist army; administered much of country under People’s Republic of China.

Mass Line (878)
Economic policy of Mao Zedong; led to formation of agricultural cooperatives in 1955; cooperatives became farming collectives in 1956.

Great Leap Forward (879)
Economic policy of Mao Zedong introduced in 1958; proposed industrialization of small-scale projects integrated into peasant communes; led to economic disaster; ended in 1960.

pragmatists (880)
Chinese Communist politicians such as Zhou Enlai, Deng Ziaoping, and Liu Shaoqui; determined to restore state direction and market incentives at the local level; opposed Great Leap Forward.

Zhou Enlai (880)
After Mao Zedong, the most important leader of the Communist party in China from the 1930s until his death in 1976; premier of China from 1954; notable as perhaps the most cosmopolitan and moderate of the inner circle of Communist leaders.

Liu Shaoqui (880)
Chinese Communist pragmatist; with Deng Xiaoping, came to power after Mao; determined to restore state direction and market incentives at local level.

Deng Ziaoping (880)
One of the more pragmatic, least ideological of the major Communist leaders of China; joined the party as a young man in the 1920s, survived the legendary Long March and persecution during the Cultural Revolution of the 1970s, and emerged as China’s most influential leader in the early 1980s.

Jiang Qing (880)
Wife of Mao Zedong; one of Gang of Four; opposed pragmatists and supported Cultural Revolution of 1965; arrested and imprisoned for life in 1976.

Cultural Revolution (882)
Movement initiated in 1965 by Mao Zedong to restore his dominance over pragmatists; used mobs to ridicule Mao’s political rivals; campaign was called off in 1968.

Red Guard (882)
Student brigades utilized by Mao Zedong and his political allies during the Cultural Revolution to discredit Mao’s political enemies.

Gang of Four (883)
Jiang Qing and four political allies who attempted to seize control of Communist government in China from the pragmatists; arrested and sentences to life imprisonment in 1976 following Mao Zedong’s death.

Tayson Rebellion (884)
Peasant revolution in southern Vietnam during the late 1770s; succeeded in toppling the Nguyen dynasty; subsequently unseated the Trinh dynasty of northern Vietnam.

Trinh (884)
Dynasty that ruled in northern Vietnam at Hanoi; rivals of Nguyen family in south.

Nguyen Anh (884)
Last surviving member of Nguyen dynasty following Tayson Rebellion in Vietnam; with French support retook southern Vietnam; drove Tayson from northern Vietnam by 1802; proclaimed himself emperor with capital at Hue; also known as Gia Long.

Minh Mang (884)
Second emperor of a united Vietnam; successor of Nguyen Anh; ruled from 1820 to 1841; sponsored emphasis of Confucianism; persecuted Catholics.

Vietnamese Nationalist party (885)
Also known as the Vietnamese Quoc Dan Dong or VNQDD; active in 1920s as revolutionary force committed to violent overthrow of French colonialism.

Communist party of Vietnam (886)
Originally a wing of nationalist movement; became primary nationalist party after decline of VNQDD in 1929; led in late 1920s by Nguyen Ai Quoc, alias Ho Chi Minh.

Ho Chi Minh (886)
Also known as Nguyen Ai Quoc; led Vietnamese Communist party in struggle for liberation from French and U.S. dominance and to unify north and south Vietnam.

Viet Minh (886)
Communist-dominated Vietnamese nationalist movement; operated out of base in southern China during World War II; employed guerilla tactics similar to the Maoists in China.

Vo Nguyen Giap (886)
Chief military commander of the Viet Minh; architect of the Vietnamese victory over the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954.

Dien Bien Phu (886)
Most significant victory of the Viet Minh over French colonial forces in 1954; gave the Viet Minh control of northern Vietnam.

Ngo Dinh Diem (887)
Political leader of South Vietnam; established as president with United States support in the 1950s; opposed Communist government of North Vietnam; overthrown by military coup supported by United States.

Viet Cong (887)
Name given by Diem regime to communist guerrilla movement in southern Vietnam; reorganized with northern Vietnamese assistance as the National Liberation Front in 1958.

Etc. notes:
Our time is drawing to a close, loved ones! It was certain fugacious, was it not?

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