Friday, March 09, 2007

Chapter 32 vocab

Circumlocution. It is a good word.

15 words

eastern bloc (781)
Nations favorable to the Soviet Union in eastern Europe during the cold war – particularly Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and East Germany.

Harry Truman (781)
American president from 1945 to 1952; less eager for smooth relations with the Soviet Union than Franklin Roosevelt; authorized use of atomic bomb during World War II; architect of American diplomacy that initiated the cold war.

iron curtain (781)
Phrase coined by Winston Churchill to describe the division between free and communist societies taking shape in Europe after 1946.

Marshall Plan (781)
Program for substantial loans initiated by the United States in 1947; designed to aid Western nations in rebuilding from the war’s devastation; vehicle for American economic dominance.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (782)
Created in 1949 under United States leadership to group most of the western European powers plus Canada in a defensive alliance against possible Soviet aggression.

Warsaw Pact (782)
Alliance organized by Soviet Union with its eastern European satellites to balance formation of NATO by Western powers in 1949.

welfare state (784)
New activism of the western European state in economic policy and welfare issues after World War II; introduced programs to reduce the impact of economic inequality; typically included medical programs and economic planning.

technocrat (785)
New type of bureaucrat; intensely trained in engineering or economics and devoted to the power of national planning; came to fore in offices of governments during World War II.

Green movement (785)
Political parties, especially in Europe, focusing on environmental issues and control over economic growth.

European Union (786)
Began as European Economic Community (or Common Market), an alliance of Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, to create a single economic entity across national boundaries in 1958; later joined by Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Austria, Finland, and other nations for further European economic integration.

new feminism (796)
New wave of women’s rights agitation dating from 1949; emphasized more literal equality that would play down domestic roles and qualities for women; promoted specific reforms and redefinition of what it meant to be female.

Berlin Wall (800)
Built in 1961 to halt the flow of immigration from East Berlin to West Berlin; immigration was in response to lack of consumer goods and close Soviet control of economy and politics; torn down at end of cold war in 1991.

Solidarity (800)
Polish labor movement formed in 1970s under Lech Walesa; challenged USSR-dominated government of Poland.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (803)
Russian author critical of the Soviet regime but also of western materialism; published trilogy on the Siberian prison camps, The Gulag Archipelago.

Nikita Khrushchev (805)
Stalin’s successor as head of USSR; attacked Stalinism in 1956 for concentration of power and arbitrary dictatorship; failure of Siberian development program and antagonism of Stalinists led to downfall.

Etc. notes:
And your quote o' the post, provided by my favorite poet, Carl Sandburg:
I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it.”

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